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God's Country—And the Woman

God's Country—And the Woman by James Oliver Curwood
By: (1878-1927)

God's Country—And the Woman by James Oliver Curwood is a captivating adventure story set in the rugged wilderness of Northern Canada. The novel follows the journey of a young man named Roger McKay as he embarks on a quest to track down the man responsible for his father's death. Along the way, he encounters a strong and independent woman named Jeanne Levoir, who becomes his companion and ally in his search for justice.

Curwood's vivid descriptions of the Canadian wilderness immerse the reader in the harsh but beautiful landscape, making it feel like a character in its own right. The author's love and respect for nature shine through in his writing, creating a rich and atmospheric setting for the story.

The characters in God's Country—And the Woman are well-developed and engaging, particularly Roger and Jeanne. Roger's determination and sense of justice make him a compelling protagonist, while Jeanne's strength and resourcefulness add depth and complexity to the plot. The dynamic between the two characters is well-written and believable, drawing the reader into their journey and struggles.

Overall, God's Country—And the Woman is a gripping adventure novel that combines action, romance, and a deep connection to nature. Fans of historical fiction and wilderness adventures are sure to enjoy this thrilling tale of love, vengeance, and survival in the untamed wilderness of Canada.

Book Description:

James Curwood wrote many adventures of the far north. By 1909 he had saved enough money to travel to the Canadian northwest, a trip that provided the inspiration for his wilderness adventure stories. The success of his novels afforded him the opportunity to return to the Yukon and Alaska for several months each year that allowed him to write more than thirty such books.

The Canadian North is often referred to as “God’s Country”

God’s Country is a tale of adventure, mystery and romance!

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Reviews (Rated: 5 Stars - 4 reviews)

Reviewer: - January 18, 2015
Subject: Gods Country and the Girl
Good story, well read. Figured out the mystery farily earlier on however continued to listen for the reasonably predicable outcome.
Reviewer: - August 23, 2014
Subject: story and reader
A very different setting with suspenseful storyline. Well read too. Most worthwhile to listen to.
Reviewer: - May 15, 2013
Excellent story with wonderful insights about the North. Well read!
Reviewer: - December 8, 2012
Subject: God's Country
Keep me up half the night !! Great book !!!! I don't care that this book was written several years ago, I wish more were written, that would keep my attention riveted like this...........

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